
Thursday, 17 February 2011

HTC announces the Facebook phones Cha Cha and Salsa

FORGET ANY NOTIONS of privacy wherever you go with two Facebook focused phones from HTC, the Chacha and Salsa.

To be available from the second quarter, both handsets have a dedicated button for access to Facebook and HTC describes the phones as "built entirely to be social".
By pressing the dedicated button a music track you are listening to is automatically identified and shared on Facebook with your friends. The same button will also allow a photo to be uploaded straight to Facebook. Then of course you can identify your friends in your photo for social authentication purposes and to help Facebook's marketers.

"The Facebook button on HTC ChaCha and HTC Salsa is context-aware, gently pulsing with light whenever there is an opportunity to share content or updates through Facebook," says HTC. Not that that sounds at all ominous.

HTC also tells us that Facebook messages and conversations appear in your text and email inboxes alongside your regular conversations. Both phones have the latest version of Gingerbread, Android 2.3.3 with HTC's own Sense overlay.

With Gingerbread and Sense, phoning a friend or receiving a call from them brings up their latest Facebook status updates and photos. The phone's contacts list can also be used to connect with them or add Facebook-branded widgets to the phone.

The Chacha has a 2.6-inch display with a 480x320 resolution touchscreen, a Qwerty keyboard, a 5MP camera with auto focus and LED flash and a VGA front-facing camera. The Salsa has a 3.4-inch, 480x320 resolution touchscreen and a 5MP camera.
Of these two phones Orange will be selling the Chacha in the second quarter.

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